Successfully Litigating Class Action Cases as Solo Practitioners - TL

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Solos, learn how you can make class action litigation more approachable and how to spot potential class-worthy claims in your case files. This webinar shows how state-based classes and the benefits of partnering with co-counsel can allow you to successfully prosecute class action cases. Solos will also learn how to build their resumes to arm themselves with the tools necessary to develop cases and be certified as adequate class counsel.

What You Will Learn
•    How to select the right cases to proceed as putative class actions
•    How to develop a class action resume
•    How to work with co-counsel and experts
•    How to minimize costs with discovery and class administration tactics
•    How to plan for cost expenditures and class administration


Open to view video.  |  60 minutes
Open to view video.  |  60 minutes
1.00 CLE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CLE credit  |  Certificate available
Post-Webinar Survey
9 Questions