Preparing to Beat a Furnisher Summary Judgment Motion in Federal Court

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Recorded On: 09/10/2019

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Furnishers will almost always file summary judgment motions against you if your last demand asks for anything beyond walk-away money.  Smart lawyers prepare for the inevitable summary judgment motion weeks and months before the motion hits their desk.  Bob Brennan has defeated countless furnisher summary judgment motions in his twenty-odd years of doing FCRA work and hopes to share some pertinent tips in this webinar.

What You Will Learn

•    How to address the issues that furnishers will usually attack in summary judgment motions
•    How to prepare well in advance, as early or even earlier than the Rule 26 meeting, to address these motions
•    What evidence, both expert and non-expert, you will need to oppose these motions

Robert F. Brennan


The Law Offices of Robert F. Brennan

Robert F. Brennan, Esq. has been practicing law for thirty-five years and was one of the very first members of the National Association of Consumer Advocates. He served as the California state chair for NACA for close to a decade in the early 2000s. He is a veteran of over seventy-five civil jury trials with a record of having won a large majority of them. He has been handling Fair Credit Reporting Act cases since the late 1990s. For many years, his verdict in Park City v. Ford (Superior Court, Riverside County) was the largest single verdict in a California Song-Beverly “lemon law” case. He has also had noteworthy verdicts in personal injury, medical malpractice, legal malpractice, and commercial real estate jury trials.


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