Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) 201
- Nonmember - $455
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• Intersection between FCRA, Chapter 7, Mortgages, and Loan Modification
• How to Choose and Plead FCRA Claims in the Current Climate
• Don’t Make this Mistake—Accuracy: Avoiding the Landmine in FCRA Cases
• Preparing to Beat the Credit Reporting Agencies in Summary Judgment in Federal Court
• Preparing to Beat a Furnisher Summary Judgment Motion in Federal Court
• FCRA Discovery in the Current Climate
• Understanding the Metro 2 Reporting Format
Why These Videos Are Helpful
Do you want to take on more complex FCRA claims? Are you interested in understanding the nexus between mortgage, bankruptcy, and FCRA claims? Want to know how to respond to an accuracy defense from the CRAs? Interested in beating motions for summary judgement against the CRAs and furnishers? This webinar series is geared to intermediate and advanced practitioners who already have a solid understanding of the FCRA.
What You Will Learn
• How to spot issues for clients with credit problems that have not affirmed mortgages
• What strategies to use when deposing witnesses for an FCRA claim
• What is likely to happen when an accuracy defense is raised
• How to prepare your case from the beginning of representation for the inevitable summary judgment
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/24/2020
This webinar will provide an overview of the Metro 2 format for FCRA practitioners at the Intermediate level.
If you are litigating FCRA cases involving the Big Three nationwide CRAs (Equifax/Experian/TransUnion) or furnishers to those CRAs, you need to understand the Metro 2 Reporting format. This is standardized format that furnishers use to report data to the Big Three. This webinar will provide an overview of the format for FCRA practitioners at the Intermediate level.
What You Will Learn
• What are the basics of the Metro 2 format
• What are the key fields in the format
• What is the legal significance of this manual for FCRA casesLeonard Bennett
Founding Partner
Consumer Litigation Associates, PC
Leonard Bennett has been an FCRA litigator for over 20 years and has successfully brought cases with his firm and with co-counsel in nearly every state in the nation. His recoveries are consistently amongst the largest in the field. Len has successfully tried both individual and class FCRA cases to a jury, and has been lead counsel in the majority of multi-million dollar FCRA class outcomes.
Chi Chi Wu
Staff Attorney
National Consumer Law Center
Chi Chi Wu is a senior staff attorney at NCLC and leading expert on fair credit reporting issues. She also focuses on credit cards, tax-consumer issues, and medical debt. Chi Chi is lead author of the seminal treatise in this field, Fair Credit Reporting Act and a contributing author to Collection Actions, Consumer Credit Regulation, and Truth in Lending.
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/17/2019
How to prepare your FCRA case from the beginning of representation for the inevitable summary judgment
The credit reporting agencies (CRAs) are large, powerful, and loaded with money to pay lawyers to beat you. Summary Judgment is their most powerful tool. They seek not only to defeat your case, but to obtain favorable opinions that they can use for every case moving forward. Larry Smith and SmithMarco, P.C. have battled and defeated the CRAs for fifteen years. Learn how to prepare your cases for their inevitable attacks.
What You Will Learn• How to prepare your case from the beginning of representation for the inevitable summary judgment
• How to obtain the evidence you will need to satisfy the damages requirement that is most often the reason that a case is dismissed
• What evidence you will need to create questions of facts as to the negligent and/or willful conduct of the CRAsLarry Smith
Managing Partner
SmithMarco, P.C.
Larry P. Smith is a consumer attorney, handling matters involving the FCRA, FDCPA, and EFTA, as well as state consumer fraud/UDAP matters for over eighteen years. He is the managing partner at SmithMarco, P.C., which he established in 2005. Mr. Smith has tried dozens of consumer rights cases to verdict in the state and federal courts of Illinois, Georgia, and Wisconsin and has arbitrated over 700 cases. Additionally, he has amicably resolved over 4,000 consumer fraud, FCRA, and FDCPA cases via settlement. Mr. Smith earned his Juris Doctor from The John Marshall Law School in 1993. He earned his B.A. degree in Political Science from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana in 1990. Mr. Smith has been a member of NACA for the past twelve years and has served as Illinois state chair
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/10/2019
How to prepare your FCRA case from the beginning of representation for the inevitable summary judgment
Furnishers will almost always file summary judgment motions against you if your last demand asks for anything beyond walk-away money. Smart lawyers prepare for the inevitable summary judgment motion weeks and months before the motion hits their desk. Bob Brennan has defeated countless furnisher summary judgment motions in his twenty-odd years of doing FCRA work and hopes to share some pertinent tips in this webinar.
What You Will Learn
• How to address the issues that furnishers will usually attack in summary judgment motions
• How to prepare well in advance, as early or even earlier than the Rule 26 meeting, to address these motions
• What evidence, both expert and non-expert, you will need to oppose these motionsRobert F. Brennan
The Law Offices of Robert F. Brennan
Robert F. Brennan, Esq. has been practicing law for thirty-five years and was one of the very first members of the National Association of Consumer Advocates. He served as the California state chair for NACA for close to a decade in the early 2000s. He is a veteran of over seventy-five civil jury trials with a record of having won a large majority of them. He has been handling Fair Credit Reporting Act cases since the late 1990s. For many years, his verdict in Park City v. Ford (Superior Court, Riverside County) was the largest single verdict in a California Song-Beverly “lemon law” case. He has also had noteworthy verdicts in personal injury, medical malpractice, legal malpractice, and commercial real estate jury trials.
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 06/20/2018
This webinar will explore accuracy through a case decided by the 9th Circuit Court of appeals: Shaw v. Experian.
Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs) and furnishers rely on three main defenses in FCRA cases: accuracy, damages, and willfulness. Accuracy is the most dangerous defense. When CRAs or furnishers take the position that the reporting was accurate, there can be serious and costly consequences for a consumer’s claim and hopes of settlement.
This webinar will explore accuracy through a case recently decided by the 9th Circuit Court of appeals: Shaw v. Experian. Among other things, we will take a deep dive into many of the documents produced in that case. This webinar is geared to any attorney who brings FCRA claims against CRAs or furnishers.
What You Will Learn
* How accuracy is defined under the FCRA
* How and why to avoid the accuracy defense whenever possible
* What is likely to happen when an accuracy defense is raised
* What documents to request for discovery on questions of accuracyGuerino Cento
Cento Law, LLC
Guerino Cento is an Indiana-based attorney with a national practice who has been practicing credit reporting law since 2000. From 2000 to 2007, Cento represented both Trans Union (as an attorney at Katz & Korin and then Schuckit and Associates) and Equifax (as an attorney at Kilpatrick Stockton and King & Spalding) and defended those CRAs against FCRA claims brought by consumers. Cento now brings FCRA claims on behalf of consumers. Cento has litigated hundreds of FCRA cases throughout the country, and his experience includes trial and appeal.
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
This webinar will focus on those strategies and discuss in detail the arguments and approach you should consider when confronting an Experian motion to compel arbitration.
Over the past few years, Experian has started aggressively moving to force FCRA claims out of court and into arbitration. To many, this might seem surprising. After all, Experian doesn't enter into contracts with consumers, so how could it force consumers into arbitration--which is a right created by contract? The answer is that Experian relies on contracts between consumers and affiliated companies that provide credit monitoring services. It argues that broad language in those contracts allows it to compel unrelated FCRA claims into arbitration. That argument has found some purchase with federal courts around the country. But there are strategies--both legal and factual--that you can use to defeat Experian's attempts to force your client's claim out of court. This webinar will focus on those strategies and discuss in detail the arguments and approach you should consider when confronting an Experian motion to compel arbitration.
What You Will Learn• How to understand an Experian motion to compel arbitration
• What legal arguments may be available to you when opposing such a motion
• How to develop a factual record and lay the groundwork to successfully oppose a motion to compelMatt Wessler
Matt Wessler is a principal at Gupta Wessler LLP, where he focuses on public interest and plaintiffs’-side appellate and complex litigation. Matt handles high-profile cases at all levels of both state and federal court and regularly appears before the U.S. Supreme Court. In recent years, he has argued and won significant class-action, workers-rights, and consumer-protection appeals in multiple federal courts of appeal on issues including arbitration, payday lending, antitrust, civil procedure, class-action practice, and preemption. He has substantial expertise handling significant FCRA appeals. For his “excellence in appellate advocacy in America,” Matt was awarded the 2020 Pound Civil Justice Institute Appellate Advocacy Award.
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
This webinar is for consumer attorneys of all experience levels who want an overview of the Supreme Court’s decision in Kirtz, and of the significance of that decision for bringing FCRA actions against government agencies.
Like private companies, federal agencies furnish information about consumers to credit reporting agencies and use consumer reports prepared by credit bureaus. But although consumers can sue private companies for violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), courts have been divided for years on whether sovereign immunity precluded FCRA actions against federal agencies. Earlier this year, in Department of Agriculture Rural Development Rural Housing Service v. Kirtz, the Supreme Court resolved that split by holding that the FCRA waived federal immunity by authorizing consumer actions against federal agencies. This webinar is for consumer attorneys of all experience levels who want an overview of the Supreme Court’s decision in Kirtz, and of the significance of that decision for bringing FCRA actions against government agencies.
What You Will Learn
• What the Supreme Court decided about suing federal agencies under FCRA.
• What types of FCRA claims can be brought against federal agencies.
• What the decision means for suing states and other non-federal agencies.Nandan Joshi
Public Citizen
Nandan Joshi is an appellate attorney in the Litigation Group at Public Citizen, a non-profit consumer advocacy organization located in Washington, D.C. Before joining Public Citizen, he spent seven years at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, where he defended the agency in various judicial proceedings and served as the director of its amicus program. He previously worked as an appellate attorney at the Federal Communications Commission and at a D.C.-based law firm. He was lead counsel for the consumer in Kirtz in the court of appeals and at the Supreme Court.