Consumer Class Actions

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•    Challenges to Certifying Consumer Class Actions
*     Driving Claim Rates in Class Actions
•    Identifying TCPA Class Actions: From Client Intake to Taking a Second Look at Your Current Caseload
•    Introduction to Food Law and Hot Topics
•    Nuts and Bolts: Integrating Food Law Into Your Practice
•    That Could Be a Class Action

Why These Videos Are Helpful
Are you a class action attorney interested in learning about new areas with which to expand your practice? Do you want to litigate cutting edge claims in food law, as well as consumer class cases? Do you want to learn how to overcome challenges to certifying claims and mootness? This webinar series is geared to beginner and intermediate consumer class action attorneys.

What You Will Learn
•    How to successfully apply litigation strategies (and avoid pitfalls) in food law cases
•    How to recognize the hallmarks of a good potential class action
•    How to effectively oppose efforts to moot cases before they have a chance to begin
•    How to handle the regulatory framework for required label information and permissible claims in food law
•    How to identify viable defendants for TCPA class actions

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar will make class action litigation approachable for the solo practitioner.

    Solos, learn how you can make class action litigation more approachable and how to spot potential class-worthy claims in your case files. This webinar shows how state-based classes and the benefits of partnering with co-counsel can allow you to successfully prosecute class action cases. Solos will also learn how to build their resumes to arm themselves with the tools necessary to develop cases and be certified as adequate class counsel.

    What You Will Learn
    •    How to select the right cases to proceed as putative class actions
    •    How to develop a class action resume
    •    How to work with co-counsel and experts
    •    How to minimize costs with discovery and class administration tactics
    •    How to plan for cost expenditures and class administration

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 01/15/2020

    The goal of this webinar is to provide practitioners with concrete strategies and steps to improve claim rates.

    According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and their allies, consumer class actions deliver miniscule percentages of funds to class members. While the U.S. Chamber and its allies often engage in pencil engineering and fuzzy math, we need to be better at returning money to class members.  

    There are multiple reasons why consumer class action claim and fund distributions rates are typically low. Some are about barriers to participation. Some are more about human cognition. The good news is that class counsel can impact this process and improve outcomes.

    The goal of this webinar is to provide practitioners with concrete strategies and steps to improve claim rates. But there is a bigger agenda beneath, including resetting expectations on claim rates and achieving claim rates that rebut U.S. Chamber criticism.  

    What You Will Learn

    •    How to draft appropriate settlement agreement language
    •    How to take advantage of best practices for drafting claim process and claim forms •    How to use of data sources to locate class members and get their money back to them

    David Sugerman

    Attorney at Law

    David Sugerman is an Oregon trial lawyer with noteworthy experience in class actions and complex litigation. His notable results include serving as lead counsel in Scharfstein v. BP West Coast Products, LLC, an nine-figure consumer protection trial win against BP for illegal debit card surcharges at the pump. The case settled on appeal for the face-amount of the judgment, plus interest. In addition to the Scharfstein case, David has led a team that has achieved eight-figure settlements in several consumer class action cases. In the last three settlements, David’s team has achieved claim rates of between 55 and 99 percent.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 06/18/2019

    This webinar will help novice to intermediate TCPA practitioners identify which fact patterns best lend themselves to class treatment under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

    What’s the difference between a run of the mill TCPA case and a multi-million dollar TCPA class action? It might not be as much as you think. This webinar will help novice to intermediate TCPA practitioners identify which fact patterns best lend themselves to class treatment under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

    What You Will Learn

    •    What the right sort of questions are to ask of your potential clients during the intake process
    •    How to identify viable defendants and which resources you might consider when conduction your initial research
    •    Where to go once you’ve identified the next TCPA class action

    Scott Owens


    Scott D. Owens, P.A

    Scott D. Owens is the founder of Scott D. Owens, P.A. which since 2011 has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of consumers throughout the United States. Scott has devoted his legal practice to defending consumers against intrusive and often fraudulent methods employed by telemarketers, text message spammers, and debt collectors. His deep commitment to pro-consumer litigation was spurred by his previous career at a debt collection law firm, where he witnessed how deceptive and aggressive business practices burden the lives of average citizens.  Scott has been litigating TCPA lawsuits in federal court for more than ten years. Scott argued the matter of Breslow v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A, 755 F.3d 1265 (11th Cir. June 9, 2014) before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Since that time, Scott has successfully litigated dozens of TCPA cases and served as counsel on a multitude of TCPA class actions.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 05/24/2016

    This webinar is designed to provide you with the nuts and bolts required to build a robust, and successful practice food law practice.

    Litigation based on food marketing practices is one of the fastest growing areas of the law.  From consumer protection to antitrust, hundreds of cases related to food have been filed over the past decade. Indeed, in 2015 alone, over 100 class actions related to food law were filed in the United States.

    Food law, however, presents a number of unique issues.  Motions to dismiss based on complex arguments such as preemption and primary jurisdiction are common.  Likewise, the ability to have a class certified has become more difficult in the wake of United States Supreme Court cases such as Wal-Mart and Comcast.

    This webinar is designed to provide you with the nuts and bolts required to build a robust, and successful practice food law practice.  You will gain a better understand of what type of food claims and marketing practices are ripe for litigation, and those that should be avoided.  By the end of the webinar you will have expanded your food law resources and, successful litigation strategies, and have a stronger ability to ascertain winnable cases.

    What You Will Learn

    •    Valuable tools that can help you build a food law practice
    •    Successful litigation strategies (and pitfalls to be avoided)

    ​Michael R. Reese

    Reese LLP

    Michael R. Reese has been representing consumers for more than 15 years in class actions, and has recouped hundreds of millions of dollars on their behalf as class counsel.  Mr. Reese specializes in food law, and is a frequent lecturer – both to practitioners and academics – on food law.  He is also frequently published on food law, with his most recent publication appearing in the April, 2016 edition of the American Bar Association Health Lawyer.  Mr. Reese is an adjunct professor at Brooklyn Law School where he currently teaches on class actions.  Prior to entering private practice, Mr. Reese was a prosecutor at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office where he prosecuted violent and white-collar felonies.

    Brian Herrington

    Schlanger Law Group, LLP

    Brian Herrington is the founding partner of Herrington Law, PA. Mr. Herrington has successfully litigated class action cases involving consumer protection, antitrust, and unfair and deceptive practices in courts across the country from New York to Illinois to Washington. For the past four years, Mr. Herrington has litigated food misbranding cases primarily in California, but other states as well.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 07/29/2015

    This webinar will provide you with recommendations, backed by case law from multiple circuits, to help you prepare a successful class certification motion and respond to common defense challenges to certification.

    Interested in handling consumer class action cases? Want to know how to combat common defense challenges to a motion for class certification? This webinar will provide you with recommendations, backed by case law from multiple circuits, to help you prepare a successful class certification motion and respond to common defense challenges to certification. Please note this webinar does not include recent updates to the case law regarding standing.

    What You Will Learn

    •   How to recognize the hallmarks of a good potential class action.
    •   How to optimize facts of the case to determine a successful outcome

    ​Carol McLean Brewer


    Anderson, Ogilvie & Brewer LLP

    Carol McLean Brewer is a Partner at Anderson, Ogilvie & Brewer LLP. She concentrates her practice on class actions and consumer litigation. From 1979 to 2000, Ms. Brewer’s practice was based in Florida, where she handled numerous cases at trial and on appeal. She has focused on class action litigation since 1992. Among other cases, she obtained certification of an unusual nationwide class action that was affirmed on appeal, Renaissance Cruises, Inc. v. Glassman, 738 So.2d 436 (Fla. 4th DCA 1999). In 2000, Ms. Brewer relocated to San Francisco. She and her partner Andrew Ogilvie have developed much of the law in the area of creditors’ post-repossession obligations to consumers pursuant to California’s Rees-Levering Automobile Sales Finance Act, Cal. Civil Code § 2981 et seq. She currently is handling Fair Credit Reporting Act class actions as well.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 04/13/2021

    Learn how to handle class action auto fraud cases

    Learn how to handle class action auto fraud cases

    Natalie Finkelman Bennett


    Shepherd, Finkelman, Miller and Shah

    Natalie Finkelman Bennett is a partner at Shepherd, Finkelman, Miller and Shah. She joined SFMS in 2000. Natalie concentrates her practice on antitrust, consumer and insurance litigation, as well as complex commercial matters. Natalie earned her undergraduate degree magna cum laude from the Pennsylvania State University and her law degree magna cum laude from the Temple University School of Law.

    Robert W. Murphy

    Law Office of Robert W. Murphy

    Robert W. Murphy is in private practice in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, focusing on consumer class action litigation. Mr. Murphy has been lead counsel in over 200 consumer class actions. Recently, he was recognized by for having two of the largest class settlements in the United States for a nationwide truck warranty action against Mitsubishi in 2017 and a $19.7 million class settlement involving automobile deficiencies.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 02/27/2014

    This is a beginner’s webinar focusing on how to identify consumer or employee complaints that can be turned into great class actions – or when you should reject any notion of filing a class action.

    How many times have you thought to yourself “this could make a great class action!” but you never followed through because you just didn’t know whether a consumer or employee class action was feasible or appropriate. This is a beginner’s webinar focusing on how to identify consumer or employee complaints that can be turned into great class actions – or when you should reject any notion of filing a class action. The Webinar will not focus on class action elements and procedures, except when explaining why you should – or shouldn’t – file a case as a class action. If you find yourself wondering whether to file a class action the next time someone gets ripped off, this webinar will help you decide whether to take the plunge.

    What You Will Learn

    ·       How to identify the specific types of claims worth pursuing in a class action;
    ·       What are the type of defendants worth pursuing;
    ·       What relief you can obtain from a class action;
    ·       When to avoid filing a class action; and
    ·       When you may be getting in over your head.

    Neil Fineman


    Fineman Poliner LLP

    Neil Fineman is a member of Fineman à Poliner LLP, in Orange County, California. Mr. Fineman leads the consumer class action section of the firm. He concentrates in new and novel consumer class actions of first impression, including the seminal privacy rights caseFlorez v. Linens ‘N Things, Inc. (2003) 108 Cal.App.4th 447. Over the past 18 years of practice, he has served as lead counsel or co-lead counsel in approximately 100 class actions in state and federal courts.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 04/12/2016

    This webinar is designed to provide you with a brief introduction to food law and will explore some key areas of litigation.

    Deceptive food marketing has become one of the most fertile areas for litigation. Everyone needs to eat and processed foods marketers are continuously looking for new ways to distinguish their products from their competitors. Oftentimes, the buzzwords that manufacturers use on product labels and ads reflect the latest hype associated with the health benefits of particular ingredients or nutrients, e.g., kale, whole grain, and protein. But in many cases, the characterizing ingredients are present in minuscule amounts and any health benefits are offset by excessive amounts of added sugar or sodium. This webinar is designed to provide you with a brief introduction to food law and will explore some key areas of litigation.

    What You Will Learn:

    •    The jurisdictional boundaries between the Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of Agriculture, and the Federal Trade Commission
    •    The regulatory framework for required label information and permissible claims
    •    Hot topics for litigation

    ​Ilene Ringel Heller


    Ilene Ringel Heller has more than twenty-five years of experience as a food and drug attorney. For the past five years, she has served as a regulatory consultant on food labeling issues, with an emphasis on consumer protection litigation involving deceptive food claims. During her fourteen years at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) as a Senior Staff Attorney and ultimately Associate Director of Legal Affairs, Ms. Heller filed numerous complaints and petitions with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), drafted legal briefs, and co-authored several in-depth reports, including Food Labeling Chaos:  The Case for Reform. Following the release of that report, the FDA issued a record number of enforcement actions against food companies. The report also influenced proposed revisions to the Nutrition Facts Panel. Prior to joining CSPI, Ms. Heller practiced food and drug law at Keller and Heckman and Arnold & Porter. She has been a speaker at various food law conferences, including those sponsored by the Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI), and served for four years on the Editorial Board of the Food and Drug Law Journal. Ms. Heller graduated cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center and is a member of the District of Columbia bar.

    ​Tracy Rezvani


    Rezvani Volin P.C.

    Tracy Rezvani is a Shareholder of Rezvani Volin P.C. in Washington D.C. She is the District of Columbia co-chair for NACA. Over the last twenty years, she has represented consumers in food-based class actions and representational litigation focused on false “all natural” claims, false “No GMO” claims, and misleading sodium or whole grain claims.